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I am here to help you Heal Your Story.

“ If You Don’t Heal What Hurt You,

You’ll Bleed on People Who Didn’t Cut You. ”

~ Unknown

As a fellow Trauma Survivor and Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, I believe no experience in this life is wasted.

With time, curiosity about our experiences, and a willingness to heal, we can re-frame our perspective and perception and determine how successfully we move forward and thrive in this life.

In other words, I believe we can ‘grow through’ what we ‘go through'.

Honoring our Creative Expression, we can work together to identify the feelings and the shadows' that form barricades between where we emotionally feel ‘stuck’, and the freedom that lies beyond our trauma.

By breaking down those blocks, piece by piece, truth by truth, session by session, we can gently bring down the walls built by bricks of Shame, Negative Self-beliefs and Fear.

“ Two things that can't be rushed:

your healing and your creativity.”

~ Yung Pueblo

Through 1:1 coaching, or by joining one of the many “Heal My Story - Creative Healing Retreats”, I would be honored to be a part of your journey, to stepping into your most authentic, healed self and to pursue the life and the dreams that you deserve.


(Taken from www.certifiedtraumarecoverycoaching.com)

They are rigorously trained and certified through the International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaching, adhering to a stringent Code of Ethics. They work with trauma survivors as peers, mentors, guides and educators with the goal of helping their clients understand the recovery process, reconnect with themselves and the world while using their strengths to build a life they love living.

What is the difference between a therapist and a coach?

(Taken from www.certifiedtraumarecoverycoaching.com)

Therapists are the trauma surgeons, emergency room personnel and paramedics of the mental health and well being community. Coaches have a fully stocked first aid kit and skills to put it to good use, but they are not physicians.

A coach comes alongside their client to brainstorm, provide information, and examine potential decisions. A therapist can do all of these things, but they often also need to intervene at a deeper level to direct care, prescribe behavior and make choices on behalf of their client. A coach never takes that much control over a client’s life. Guide and encourage, yes. Command direction, never. 

What kind of training do Trauma Recovery Coaches Receive to become certified?

The initial Trauma Recovery Coaching Certification course is a 23 week program that teaches:

  • Basic coaching skills along with coaching skills specific to trauma survivors

  • The definition of trauma and how individuals respond to trauma

  • How trauma effects children and adults biologically, psychologically, relationally and emotionally

  • The trauma recovery process

  • Trauma Recovery Coaching ethics

  • Trauma Recovery Coaching protocols and standards

  • Group coaching standards and practises

Furthermore, each student engages in a practicum experience where they are supervised while providing both group and one-to-one coaching.

(Taken from www.certifiedtraumarecoverycoaching.com)

“ Creativity has the power to connect the seemingly unconnected".”

~ William Plomer